Star Wars may have originated in the United States but it is hardly limited to an American appeal. Fans all around the world have been inspired by the story and inspiration is just the fuel for artistic creation. Nothing could be more true for Sascha Raabe, our featured artist today. George Lucas made a creative statement with his depiction of the Imperials dressed in stark blacks and whites, and some of the most pure expressions of art shine in a monochromatic palette. Pencils, black ink sketches, dark charcoals: they strip away color to let the viewer see a stark and clear expression of the subject. And that is where Sascha operates. His works are works of creative reduction and profiles of characters seen in a clear perspective.
My name is Sascha Raabe, I’m 23 years old and I live in Germany. I’ve been a huge Star Wars fan since I was a kid. In “real life”, I work in a notary’s office. For me, the Star Wars universe is a place to dream. It stands for creativity, it’s fascinating, inspiring and the perfect place to go when I want to escape the everyday’s life. In 2015, I joined the 501st Legion, which gives me the feeling of being a meaningful part of the Star Wars history. In this great community, I met so many great people that became my closest friends and chosen family. All this makes Star Wars a hobby unlike any else.
Drawing has always been my most favourite thing to do, and of course Star Wars quickly became subject number one. For me as a kid, it was interesting and challenging trying to draw all these different droids, armors and creatures throughout the universe.
I’ve always been trying to improve myself and find my own style. Through the years, I concentrated on pencil drawings. Now I’m at a point where I want to show my fanarts to the public, to be one of the many great Star Wars artists out there.
I don’t offer any products yet. But if there’s a growing interest I will definitely consider it!
You can follow me on Instagram right here:
Many thanks to our partners at Jedi News, Fantha Tracks, Rebel Scum, Force.Net, and Bantha Bricks for supporting SWAM 2020 and sharing our posts. What a great way to share the magic of the art community! Check them out and see just how big the galaxy really is!