The Star Wars Artist Month is here to shine a light on our hard working and talented artists! Today we shine that light on an artist who channels a wild creative energy to bring Star Wars into focus in a bold new light!
A long time ago, in a hospital far, far away was born John Kirk Hardtle – Artist, Cartoonist, Illustrator and all-around Broken Toy …. too far back?
“Okay, my artistic career began in the early 90’s as a piece work artist creating various artworks for Dungeons and Dragons, White Wolf, and other gaming companies. During this time, I also earned my BFA and MFA in Illustration and Printmaking (engraving) at the University of Toledo. Eventually, I relocated to New Orleans doing tattoo work, Mardi Gras float painting and the odd gaming commission. A major reset in my life and I ended up in Columbus, Ohio. After losing everything to the hurricane, I decided to reinvent myself as an artist and started creating independently for various comic companies, piece work for The Walking Dead and creating my own style of cartoons under the studio name, Broken Toy Creations.”
“Now I live in Hotlanta creating my own series, “Poke*Zom” (Pokemon Zombie Parodies), the “100 Aker Zombieland” (Winnie the Pooh and friend Zombie Parodies), occasionally freelance pieces of Disney themes under a limited license and various independent commissions. Everything I create is old school (cuz I am an old dude): pen, pencil, paint and inks.”
- What drew you to illustrating Star Wars as a subject?
“In 1977, my friend worked at a local movie theatre and raved about “this really cool space movie”. He snuck me into the theatre three times for me to see “the cool space movie”. My imagination was entranced with the visuals, the timeless battle of good versus evil and the possibilities of the Force. Fast forward to 2005, Location:GenCon. It was here that I was introduced to the 501st Legion by members of the Bloodfin Garrison and my love for all things Star Wars was rekindled.
By 2008 , I had become a Star Wars “action figure” in the 501st, had done some art works for a couple garrisons for their Droid Hunts, creating a special artwork for a fellow Legionnaire’s ailing cousin, saw Steve Sansweet win a framed print of mine (he still has it in his office) and acquired a copy of “Heart of an Empire” DVD. After watching the DVD, I found a new passion for Star Wars and a specific subject for my artistic creations: R2KT. As long as I can put pen to paper, there will be art from me sharing the love and beauty of R2KT …. promise not to let the Poke*Zom near her.“
- preferred website / links to where fans can buy Kirk’s products legitimately
- Personal Email: liquidleezard@gmail.com
- Studio Email: brokentoycreations@yahoo.com
Many thanks to our partners at Jedi News, Fantha Tracks, Rebel Scum, Force.Net, and Bantha Bricks for supporting SWAM 2020 and sharing our posts. What a great way to share the magic of the art community! Check them out and see just how big the galaxy really is!