The Star Wars franchise has offered us so many mind-blowing scenes, images locked into our minds for a lifetime. And yet, it is the artists that expand our imagination even more – unlocking new scenes or reinventing favorite scenes in all new styles and interpretations. What a dizzying array of beauty we are treated to, all thanks to these hard working and vastly talented people. So Star Wars Artist Month celebrates one each day. And today is all about Jason Christman!
Jason W Christman has a minimalist and vintage style that is inspired by a number of searingly sci-fi, unapologetically geeky pop-culture touchstones from Metropolis to Star Wars.
Born in 1971 he was raised in Oregon, and like most kids around his age his Dad took his to go see Star Wars. Since then it has set the tone for his long creative career. In the late 80′s moved to Southern California to become a photographer and darkroom guru who realized the potential of the digital world when Photoshop came to be. In the 90′s he was mentored by LightWorks Productions founder Richard Mclean. In 1998 Jason set off to become a successful freelancing Creative Director getting gigs with some of the west coast’s best advertising agencies, publications and companies. At the same time he opened a gallery in the Pomona Arts Colony where he could share some of his favorite art, music and movies with everyone he could.
In 2005 he moved back to Oregon to raise a family. His love of Star Wars never faded and when his son was born in 2009 he promptly named him Kaiden Skywalker. Around that time he started creating some minimalist designs of his favorite sci-fi memories, from Star Wars, Firefly, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Dr Who and more.
After years of digging, research and rejection he eventually found the right door to get his work licensed. In 2011 Lucasfilm approved his minimalist ship quote series and since then he has had over 30 licensed limited edition prints including being one of the artists selected to have an exclusive print the last 4 Star Wars Celebrations.
“I specifically design my pieces with the hope to inspire others. Just a few words, recognizable shapes, a pleasing color palette, light and a touch of texture can set a tone and feeling for people who are not even big Star Wars fans.” Says Jason… “For different reasons, I hear from people all the time telling me how this was the first sci-fi print they were able to hang in their entry way or living room and not just in their geek cave.”
“Family is everything. My son and I are building an R-series astromech together and he is becoming quite a great artist/designer himself with his own youtube channel. It makes me a very proud father! Having both my son and father with me at Celebration in Chicago last year was one of the best moments in my life and career. They got to feel the love that Star Wars fans and their communities can give. It is incredibly inspiring and has sparked something in all of us to do more for others. Every chance I have to support someone or a group like the 501 I jump on it. The Cloud City Garrison has recently made me an honorary member, but the honor is all mine. I hope we are able to have many more moments like these again soon.”
My official store and website :
Instagram @starwarsartist
YouTube Channel
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Many thanks to our partners at Jedi News, Fantha Tracks, Rebel Scum, Force.Net, and Bantha Bricks for supporting SWAM 2020 and sharing our posts. What a great way to share the magic of the art community! Check them out and see just how big the galaxy really is!