Every so often we like to throw a challenge at KT fans and see what their creative minds come up with! Below is a set of links to KT images ready to use. Just click on the link to see a .gif file with the background removed, then download it and drop into an image editing program to have some fun!
2020 Thanksgiving Photoshop Contest
Hello KT!
Dave Liew created a beautiful mashup of KT and Hello Kitty. We asked KT fans: put the Hello KT head into a photo featuring one of your favorite movies or t.v. shows. Wow, did we underestimate how many people would groove to this! Just amazing.
2015 R2-KT Adventures PhotoShop Contest
2014 R2-KT Sticker Photoshop Contest
In 2014 we offered a full-body KT sticker from the design by Eric Siebeneck. The ensuing Photoshop contest challenged folks to drop the sticker design into scenes from all over the place. Folks really ran with it!