R2-KT Art Gallery

So many wonderful artists have commemorated R2-KT that she has an entire gallery of beautiful work. Here we display all the works shown to us, shared with us, and contributed for her projects. 

Roberto Venegas

In 2019 Roberto Venegas unveiled an impressive panorama of heroic women of Star Wars. In one bold image you really get the power and dignity of women in that galaxy far, far away. Just amazing.
KT is super honored to be included – even the QT-KT alter-ego they created for Clone Wars!
You can follow more of Roberto’s work here:
on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roberto__draws/
and Twitter: https://twitter.com/Roberto_Draws

Simon Rohrmüller

Roger Friberg sent in this amazing print from Simon Rohrmüller, an artist in Stockholm, Sweden. Wow! He really captured the elegance of KT! Thank you so much! This will be treasured in the KT art gallery – love to see the land of my heritage embracing our girl. You can see more of Simon’s work here:Instagram: @simonrohrmullerFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/SimonRohrmullerArt/

“I’ve been appearing at conventions in Sweden for a few years and from behind my table I’ve always seen the good work the 501st Nordic Garrison has put into their appearances there: interacting with fans, and especially children, while raising money for charity. It inspired me and I wanted to do something good in turn in a similar vein, but with my art. Being a bit more than a “casual” Star Wars fan I knew the story of Katie and decided to honor her memory and make a charity print featuring R2-KT where all proceeds would go to Barncancerfonden (The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund), helping children with cancer. The print is strictly limited to 100 copies, and each is signed and numbered by me.”

Angel Acosta

Angel is a member of the 501st Legion in Mexico, where they created the fifth of the KT AmbassaDroids. As an artist, Angel felt inspired to create a comic book cover depicting Katie herself along with KT-Cinco on merry adventures. This is pure magic and a complete and priceless surprise.

The Adventures of R2KT5

Cuando realizo algún cuadro o ilustración me gusta que de preferencia se cuente una historia. Esta la hice en memoria de Katie Johnson; la hija del fundador de la Legion 501 y de R2KT; el droide rosa que le regalaron para que la cuidara durante su enfermedad y que ahora se dedica a visitar hospitales, recaudar fondos, etc….
En el dibujo quise transmitir mucha felicidad y aventura. Además el concepto fue pensado como si fuera para la portada de un Comic Book.
La historia que quise contar es esta:

Durante los eventos de “El Imperio Contraataca” una niña llamada Katie aprovecha el caos generado por El Imperio y Los Rebeldes para escapar de “La Ciudad de las Nubes” en compañía de su droide R2KT5. Esto lo lograrán con la ayuda de Sonora Trooper Tk18077; un Soldado Imperial que decide ayudar a la pequeña niña a buscar un mejor lugar para vivir e ir en busca de su familia
Katie se dará cuenta que no sólo pertenece a las nubes sino que puede hacer suya la galaxia entera.

With all my respect…Albin Johnson The 501st Legion R2-KT
Gracias Nin Starfire y a Katy Cinco por realizar este concurso de dibujo.

When I perform some painting or illustration I like that preferably a story is told. I made this in memory of Katie Johnson; the daughter of the founder of the Legion 501 and of r2kt; the pink droid who gave her to take care of her during her illness and that she is now dedicated to visiting hospitals, raising funds, etc….
In the drawing I wanted to transmit a lot of happiness and Also the concept was thought as if it were for the cover of a comic book.
The story I wanted to tell is this:

During the events of “The Empire Strikes Back” a girl named Katie takes advantage of the chaos generated by The Empire and The Rebels to escape from “Cloud City” in company of her droid R2KT5. This will be achieved with the help of Sonora Trooper Tk18077; an Imperial Soldier who decides to help the little girl to find a better place to live and go in search of her family.
Katie will realize that she not only belongs to the clouds. She can make the entire galaxy of her own.

With all my respect…Albin JohnsonThe 501st LegionR2-KT
Thank you Nin Starfire and Katy Cinco for making this drawing contest.

Josh Reitz

Chef KT!

Melissa King had friend commission this adorable drawing for her as a birthday gift. She surprised us at DragonCon by presenting several stickers featuring the artwork. What a creative concept and we’d love to see this in our kitchen now! For more information on the artist:
Josh’s Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/lookitspineapple/?hl=en 
Instagram post about the KT sticker  https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EhG5cBY5j/ 
Josh’s website – https://www.pineapplespetportraits.com/

Jeff Carlisle

Acclaimed artist Jeff Carlisle labored for over 200 hours to create the piece Another Night at the Warp Core Cafe. It features hundreds of characters from all over sci-fi and we were thrilled to learn he even included R2-KT! You can check out more of Jeff’s work at his website:

Juan Jose Matamoros

Darrin Brege

Tsuneo Sanda

Dave Liew

Eric Siebeneck

Kirk “Leezard” Hardtle

Rene Clement

Scott Rorie

Michael “Locoduck” Duron

Katie Cook

Desmond Tay

Peter Mayhew Giant Book


Assorted Masterpieces

R2-KT AmbassaDroid Corps and Pink Force are worldwide Star Wars fan organizations comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.