Chris Colvin is an avid Star Wars fan and a talented builder. He learned of the character of R2-KT and was eager to build one himself. He proudly presented KT-27 as a member of the AmbassaDroid Corps to spread the joy and dazzle the imaginations of children in his community and beyond!
“My Star Wars story begins in 1977 when I first saw A New Hope. The first scene of the Star Destroyer cruising overhead and it seemed endless. The brilliant white Storm Trooper armor and of course the droids that took us to a galaxy far, far away. I was hooked and even then the rumor was there were going to be a number of sequels. Who knew 50 years later we’d be celebrating the universe George Lucas gave us?
“Fast forward several years and I find myself reading about these brilliant droid builds in the Astromech.net group. I thought I used to build models, maybe I should try to build an R2-D2 of my own. Two years later I had my very own overweight glob of grease. The first time he talked I had tears in my eyes. That nine year old boy was back and in disbelief that R2-D2 was standing in front of him.
“R2 has done several community outreach events and to see how people to respond to him makes every build effort, mistake and setback make it worth it.
“I came across Katie’s story and her desire to have an R2 of her own to watch over her. Then seeing the builders come together and give this young girl a droid of her own. It was at that point I decided I wanted to join The Pink Force in honor of Katie but to also bring joy to others that are going through their own troubles. This build became especially personal, as during the year-long building process three good friends developed various cancers in their bodies. To see KT 27 come to life, I am even more enthused to spread her love and that of her namesake. “

KT-27’s Specs:
Birth Date: April 7, 2024
Drive System: Warpcell metal foot drives and shells
Body: Tex Mex Frame, legs and horseshoes. Alumnium skins and body greeblies
Build: R-series, Three-legged mobile
Lighting: Maxstang PSI Pro, Reon Holoprojectors and Reactor 32 Series Logic Displays
Sound: Spark Fun MP3
Special: Opening/closing dome panels. Dome panel animation
Missions: To support local charities and hospitals in their mission to battle cancer and treat cancer patients. I want KT to literally be a Force for good through personal engagements with people and their families who are battling this dreadful disease. The main goal is to bring joy, happiness to others and perhaps be a pleasant distraction for a few hours.
KT-27 Debut Photos

“I commissioned this piece from a brilliant local artist. This showcases my R2D2, KT27 and a very special princess.”

Construction Photos

R2-KT AmbassaDroid Corps and Pink Force are worldwide Star Wars fan organizations comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.