Emiliano Maria Ciani and Lorenzo Filippini and their team created their KT unit just in time for the second-ever Pink Force Day in 2023 – hosted in the city of Milan! KT-24 has dazzling details and wonderful motion and sound. She is ready to amaze the fans of Italy and spread her message of hope throughout the galaxy!
Check out KT24’s new page on the main website:
Follow KT24 on her FB page: https://www.facebook.com/R2KTItalia
R2-KT-24’s Build Specs
- Birth Date: November 15, 2023
- Drive System: Dual H-Bridge motor control with 24V/120W motors + customized controller by “il ripostiglio dei 3 Jawa”.
- Body: 3D printed with PLA+
- Build: R-series 3-leg fixed
- Lighting: Julio Manta gut Xor-Ciruits.
- Sound: MP3 DFPlayer mini on customized board by “il ripostiglio dei 3 Jawa”, TPA31116D2 amplificator 2x50W, 2 JVC speakers 4”
- Special: Full rotating dome, stereo sound, customized lighting.
- Missions: Deliver cyber hugs from the Galaxy Far Far Away to the kids at Hospital, partecipate to Star Wars Charity concerts and dance with all the Ambassadroid friends at nerd events.

R2-KT Italia born from the will of two friends, that, dazzled by the power of love brought by KT-4 in 2019 in a visit in Milan to the Star Wars Legions, wants to bring the same atmosphere and message of hope to Italy.
Covid pandemic impacted heavily our life, many months locked in our houses, strong limitation to movements and events, relations mostly done thru social and videocall connections and when we turn back to a more normal life in 2021, there was a fire to stick together again and by chance the two friends decided to join the first The Pink Force Day, organized in San Sebastian (Spain), and meet again KT-4, the team, his supporters from all Europe and Albin Johnson.
That trip was the spark of the project.
A shopping list drafted on a napkin, a quick chat with the droid builders present to the event and first indications given by Albin and Andoni on how to join the R2-KT movement. Then hours spent in the research of the best design, correct material, electronics, motors, constructions tips to land to November 15th, 2023 when the R2-KT Italia (KT-24) is born and the droid made her first roll out in a live.
A first appearance in a charity Star Wars theme concert and formal presentation to the Italian public and officialization from the hands of Albin during the second The Pink Force Day in Milan on November 25th, 2023. KT-24 reporting and ready to roll and spread the force of the hope and awareness to the world and bring back the smile on the face of all kids that need a hug from the Droid with the heart of gold.
Founders and Builders: Lorenzo Filippini, Emiliano Ciani
Web, Social and Content: Elisa Pretato, Marco Puglia, Cristian Grigoletti
Building supporting team: Stefano Giani e Angela Martinetti (il rifugio dei tre Jawa), Francesco Lanfaloni, Andrea Del Sarto, Luca Savarese, Gaetano Muratore
Logo: Piero Bockos
Web: www.r2kt-italia.it
FB: www.facebook.com/R2KTitalia
IN: www.instagram.com/R2KT_italia
Pink Force in Tattooine!
Lorenzo and the gang took to the sands of Tunisia and the amazing sites of the original movie! Love that they planted the Pink Force flag!

2023: Pink Force Day at Cartoomics in Milan

KT24 Approval Photos

KT24 Build Pics

R2-KT AmbassaDroid Corps and Pink Force are worldwide Star Wars fan organizations comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.