Owen Jeanmonod from Switzerland is a kid with a big heart. I mean HUGE! And a big brain behind it. Are you ready for this? He read the story of R2-KT and decided he had to take up the torch and join the mission. That’s right. This teenager spent 3050 hours (127 days) printing on three 3D printers with over 184 km of PLA .75 filament, and then glued, sanded, painted and decorated 482 pieces to build his own R2-KT, which they call PI-R2-KT.
And this kid says he wants to give hope to sick children and raise money for charity.
We at the R2-KT team are blown away. This is amazing. In spite of all the tragedy we are facing right now this is what is happening. Hope is stronger than fear – period. Hats of to Owen and his family for being having vision and showing the Force is still strong in all of our hearts. Wow.
Check out the YouTube video telling the whole story. It’s quite impessive!

KT-12’s Specs:
Birth Date: May the 4th, 2020
Drive System: Camden Card Self made
Body: 3D printed with PLA
Build: R-series 3-leg fixed (mobile possible)
Lighting: Led (white, blue and PINK) special edition cycle system
Sound: MP3/R2 sounds automatic with Bluetooth options
Special: utility arms, gripper and interface arm can be moved manually.
Missions: was only intended to be a simple school project and became an ambassador of hope. Love taking photos with the fans.. And love watching tv with his friends and builders.
Website: https://www.r2kt12.ch/

R2-KT – The Pink Droid with the Heart of Gold
“Albin Johnson, who founded the 501 legion (the largest association of Star Wars fans) learned in 2004 that his daughter, Katie, had an inoperable brain tumor. He decided to build an R2 unit, in his daughter’s favorite color: pink. The droid accompanied Katie until 2005, when she died at the age of only 7 years.
This story made me so upset. So I decided to build a replica of R2-KT and to continue what Albin Johnson started after the death of his daughter Katie:
Give hope to sick children and raise funds for a foundation.”

R2-KT AmbassaDroid Corps and Pink Force are worldwide Star Wars fan organizations comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.