AmbassaDroids – KT11 – Germany

Builder and Operator: Andreas Lukas

KT-11’s Specs:
Birth Date: March 6, 2020
Drive System: 2 x 120W motors / 18Ah LiFePo4 battery
Body: wood-styrene-aluminum mix
Build: R Series 3-leg fixed, mobile
Lighting: Teecee’s LED system
Sound: 2 speakers via Bluetooth with Custom Sound Board
Special: Movable front holo with light that can be switched on and off
Missions: Children’s Hospital Mainz in 03/2020, Children’s Hospice in Wiesbaden 03/2022, Comiccon Stuttgart 11/2022

My name is Andreas Lukas, born in 1969 and therefore a Star Wars fan from the very beginning. I live with my family near Mainz in Germany. In 2015 I started building my R2-D2 as a member of the R2-Builders, which was completed in spring 2016 after 12 months of construction. My wife Susanne and I became members of the Rebel Legion – German Base Yavin and together we had many great events with R2.
In 2018 I built her a second astromech: R4-K5 – an imperial, dark droid. I now became a member of the 501st – German Garrison. Together with the two costume groups, we have been able to support many charity events in recent years. So we were with R2-D2 in children’s hospitals and also in a children’s hospice. Donations were raised for the children’s cancer aid at many events.

Due to the AmbassaDroid program and the desire to do a lot more of this event in the future, R4-K5 became R2-KT in January 2020. As AmbassaDroid No. 11, we are proud to be part of this wonderful community in the future. We look forward to the many upcoming events together with our friends of the RL and 501st. We want to continue supporting the fight against cancer with them and collect donations.

2024 May: Fundraiser

KT11 attended a fundraiser at a local mall with the 501st German Garrison. Here, EUR 1,200.00 was collected for children with cancer. 200 EUR of this went to Ralf and the German Pink Force.

2024 March: Spidey from Speyer

In March we attended the 10th anniversary of the friendly spider from Speyer. This is a cosplayer who has been visiting seriously ill children for 10 years and putting a little smile on their faces. A role model for all of us!

2022 ComicCon Stuttgart

Team KT11 joined forces with the Rebel Legion booth and were able to sell a lot of KT pins on the first day. KT11 got to met “Little Leia” Vivian Lyra Blair, who is a big fan of the droid!

2022 Noris Force Con in Fuerth, Speyer, and Darmstadt

Here are a few other events where we were able to sell KT pins and patches. All proceeds went to the Children’s Cancer Aid. At the Noris Force Con in Fürth, we also met Anthony Daniels, who signed KT 11 and also had his picture taken with her. We were also in Speyer together with Team KT 10, who had a large stand there and were able to generate income for the German Pink Force eV with great success.

2022 Ramstein Air Base

The Lukas-Family had a great day at Ramstein Air Base – a day to honor a military Child!

A special gift!

A lovely gift from a German fan to the KT11 crew. Pink Force in LEGO form! Beautiful!

2022 Hospice Visit

“After a 2-year break, we could finally visit a children’s hospice again yesterday. Together with the German Garrison we visited Ramon. He is only 16, has leukemia and the doctors give him another 2 weeks… We were very touched that he and the other children were happy about our visit.”

2021 : Photo Shoot!

2021 June : A small selection of pictures from the R2-KT 11 photo shoot.#r2kt #r2kt11 #501stlegion #501stgermangarrison #germanpinkforce #r2builders #droidbuildersgermany #501st#rebellegion #germanbaseyavin

2020 October: Technikmuseum

“After more than half a year without an event, KT11 and R2 could finally be in use again last weekend. We could support a donation collection by the German Rebel Legion for children’s cancer aid. A total of 1,000 euros were collected – and a few of them through KT’s support. It was a cosplay weekend in the “Technikmuseum” in Speyer.”

2020 March: KT11’s First Mission: Children’s Hospital Mainz

R2-KT 11 at her very first mission: the Childrens Hospital Mainz! Together with the German Garrison and the RL/German Base Yavin the Force was strong with these little warriors!

R2-KT AmbassaDroid Corps and Pink Force are worldwide Star Wars fan organizations comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.