AmbassaDroids – KT7 – Netherlands

Erik Westhovens saw the work of the AmbassaDroid program and wanted to be a part of the team. His professional career in the Netherlands expanded out to a worldwide stage. His experience and his passion drew him to the mission of love and caring for others. What an amazing journey!

KT-7’s Specs:
* Birth Date: March 2019
* Drive System: our own developed code for arduino based on padawan360
* Body: Mr Baddeleys 3D printed with PLA and finished with epoxy resin.
* Build: 3-leg fixed
* Lighting: dome lights came from a fellow builder in the UK. Body lights were done by myself
* Sound: no sound
* Special: dome has internal systems for radar etc
* Missions: it is KT7’s mission to raise awareness and funds for children who suffer from cancer.

Erik proudly displaying his KT pin during one of his many interviews

“Losing a child is a parents biggest fear. The pain will never fade away. In 1994 I lost my first born and never had a way to express my feelings. While fulfilling my dream, a full size working R2-D2 I wanted him to become a way to express my feelings and use it for a good cause.
When I saw the story about Katie I knew that this was what I wanted. A full-size R2-KT that can be used in hospitals, conventions and other events to show awareness for all those children who passed away and raise funds for the good. My R2-KT is going to be used for KIKA Netherlands, who work hard to cure children cancer and Make a Wish to fulfill last wishes of sick children. I dedicate KT to Daniel, my firstborn son, and to Katie so that we keep their memory alive.
R2-KT7 is built with Michael Baddeley’s design and fully 3D-printed. The control system is my own Yoda control that I designed to control her and other droids. It took me nearly 14 months to get her finished and she hat some appearances already in public. I also want to thank Insight, a Fortune 500 company that I work for, who supported me in building and showing her off on various occasions.”

2019 Insight Charity Event

2019 First Photos

R2-KT AmbassaDroid Corps and Pink Force are worldwide Star Wars fan organizations comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.