AmbassaDroids – KT2 – United Kingdom

John Peruzzi and the Norwich Star Wars club were the first to craft a proxy KT unit. KT2 is a static unit who has been to several UK fan events and is a big supporter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and other charities.

KT2’s Facebook Page:

July 15, 2023: KT2 with actor Clem So

Super excited that the ever-so-debonair Clem So had the opportunity this weekend to meet R2-KT-2 and reconnect with a KT unit after his personal experience with the original during filing of The Force Awakens years ago. This is epic and my heart soars! Read his account below!

“I met my first KT droid yesterday. Not many people know this, but in one of the many exterior Resistance scenes on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Greenham Common RAF base). I was asked by the 3rd AD (assistant director) to walk across the runway with a R2 Unit. There was a chap hiding behind some boxes who was moving the R2 Unit by remote control and ask me which direction I was going so that the droid could appear to move alongside me etc. I remember remarking that it seemed an unusual colour for a droid as it was pink. The AD asked me to engage with the droid as I was walking along, so I did this in the same way that I thought C3PO would with R2-D2. So for the next how many takes this took (there were many), I was conversing in a nonsensical way to this pink little droid. We did so many takes of this scene in fact, that I was still habitually talking to the droid when the cameras stopped rolling. Anthony Daniels actually walked pass me thinking me mad catching me talking to this droid, lol. When the Force Awakens was released, I later found out the significance and moving story of R2-KT and the late Katie Johnson. The scene was never used but that little pink droid will always feel like it belonged to my Resistance character on set and has a place in my heart. I have recently found out that around the World there are now twenty one R2-KT droids made so far in honour of the original R2-KT. I have made it a little mission of mine to get pictures of myself with as many of these KT droids as possible. This may take some time 🙂 but I am pleased to have met my first R2-KT in Norwich this weekend. R2-KT2 is part of the Norwich Star Wars Club Uk”

2022 Promo Pics

2022 Christmas

KT2’s Construction

R2-KT AmbassaDroid Corps and Pink Force are worldwide Star Wars fan organizations comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.