AmbassaDroid Auxiliary

The Pink Side of the Force is STRONG! Why? Because it’s made up of friends! R2-KT is but one member of an army of fans and droids dedicated to hope and effecting change. Behold the army of allies that help KT and the Pink Force fight childhood cancer and unite the galaxy!

AD-EB by Leanne Massey

“I had in mind that I wanted to make an r2kt inspired lola droid and reached out to the droid division page looking for someone willing to print me a lola droid. One of the guys kindly offered to print it if I made a donation to their charity. He sent it out to me and by absolute fate it arrived on the anniversary of the death of a little girl I had the honor of photographing throughout her journey with a rare form of brain cancer. I was absolutely amazed that the universe had aligned me to receive it on that day. Her name is AD-EB after the little girl. Its so incredibly special to me and I hope you love her.”

mini-KT by Marcus Lesilex

MSE-KT-1 by Misty Denney

MSE-KT-2 by Daniel Stolzi

Pink Ewok by Frank Giorgio

KT-PT-1 by Oliver Steeples

KT-PT-2 by Charles Piner

The Georgia Star Wars fans have a new pink buddy! Charles and Betsy built “Pitty” and revealed her at DragonCon in 2023 for the first time. She will be appearing at costuming events, charity drives, and hospital visits carrying on the Mission of Hope!

BD-KT-8 and LO-LA-8 by Christophe Impines

Both BD-KT-8 and LO-LA-8 were created by Christophe Impines, head of the R2-KT-8 team in France. The scrolling LEDs on the back of BD-KT-8 write out “I ❤️ R2-KT-8″ They will both accompany KT-8 on all her adventures, making sure to keep away any mischievous Jawas and spreading cheer at knee-high level!

OOM-KT by James Overholt

Pink Ewok by Claudia Mensing

The Pink Jawas by Folkard-König and Lukas Döring

PT-8 by Christophe Impines

MSE-KT-8 by Christophe Impines

La Peppa Pink – by Monica Zabini

Nick Foreman’s Pink Pit Droid

Glenn Kemmerer’s Mouse Droid: MSE-KT26

BB-P1N8 and Teresa Nuthall

Teresa Nuthall and her fellow Star Wars fans in Canada have been a huge force in their region. Teresa is with Badlands Garrison. Crimson Aurora Squad. The Dark Empire Citadel Spire. and Droid Builders of Badlands.. Their fleet of droids now has a special BB-8 that shines resplendently in pink. Her designation is BB-P1N8 but they all refer to her as BB-💗

MSE-CR1 and Robert Tucker

PD-CR2 by Robert Tucker

SE-CR3 by Robert Tucker

LO-CR5 by Robert Tucker

GNK-CR6 by Robert Tucker

R2-L1 / L2-W1 by Cathy Fond

I’m Cathy Fond and DZ72372 and wondered warrior. I live in Yorktown VA. I made this in WDW and painted it in memory of a member that died of breast cancer. I will sometimes change head in remembrance of Wes Pak who died of cancer at the age of 12. He was an honorary member of the 501st. I’m either naming her R2-L1 or L1-W1.

R2-KT AmbassaDroid Corps and Pink Force are worldwide Star Wars fan organizations comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it follows generally accepted ground rules for Star Wars fan groups. Star Wars, its characters, costumes, and all associated items are the intellectual property of Lucasfilm. © & ™ Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Used under authorization.