R2-KT Repair Crew

Friends of KT: We are on a special mission, and we are looking for a select few volunteers to join us. 

R2-KT has seen 17 years of hard service. She’s traveled around the world, visited hospitals, attended conventions, appeared on the big screen, and promoted good will wherever she’s been needed. She’s even fallen off of vehicles in parades! But we never charge for an appearance and never refuse a request if we can make it. 

All that service can take a toll, even on a droid. Sadly, KT has reached a point where she needs help. Damage and deterioration have sidelined her from travel. It’s been a while since she’s done an appearance, and it’s time to get her back in action. So, we are launching Project: Revenge of the Pink! This is KT’s restoration to her original glory, and we invite all of KT’s fans and friends to be a part of the 2023 R2-KT Repair Crew

What’s the plan: Pat and Alex Coajou are a father-and-son duo of droid builders who helped build KT back in 2006. Now young Alex has grown into quite the builder himself, and he remembers KT from when she was in her prime. He asked us last year to evaluate her. The results were surprising. So has delivered a comprehensive design plan to restore our girl and get her back to top form. We’ve posted a full run-down of the damaged bits on the KT website here: 


What we need: We have received some amazing donations from droid specialists in the community. But we could surely use some help to finance the rest. Your support will secure the parts, supplies, and services needed to complete this great work.

What you get: You get to be an official member of the R2-KT Repair Crew. Your name will be memorialized on the R2-KT website and on a printed list carried within KT herself. As a crew member you will receive a full set of team gear: 

  • The official R2-KT Repair Crew logo Mission Patch
  • Five Repair Team logo stickers
  • Limited edition Crew Mission Coin
  • Raised R2-KT original logo patch – new edition with raised texture to the stitching
  • Thank you letter from KT

The logo was designed by Darrin Brege, illustrious artist and pillar of the Star Wars and Disney fan community. Darrin has envisioned three Anzellans standing atop KT, arms raised in victory, set against a black-and-yellow construction field. It takes a team to care for a droid, and what better team than Anzellans! If Babu Frik is on the job, then you KNOW our droid is going to be in good shape. We love what Darrin created and it captures our project perfectly. Thank you, Darrin! 

Please understand this is a special situation. We never ask for funds outside of our charity fundraisers, so this is a little different from our normal items. We will only create a few sets of these Repair Crew kits and use the funds exclusively to help with costs. Any overages we will transfer to our running Make-A-Wish fund to be dispersed in the first quarter of 2024. 


  • R2-KT Repair Crew Membership comes with a $30 donation to the project.
  • Patches are printed and are a triangular design 4″ wide at the base
  • Stickers are 3″ wide at the base
  • Coins are triangular metal 2″ wide at the base with an alternate reverse design unique to the coin. 
  • Shipping for the Crew Kit is free inside the U.S.
  • Shipping outside the U.S. is $8 
  • Join the project starting by sending payment via PayPal to r2kt@r2kt.com
  • Offer begins today, we will take on Repair Crew members until June 15th
  • You can make multiple donations, each with a Repair Crew Membership pack
  • Crew Packs ship in late June
  • Email us at r2kt@r2kt.com with questions 
  • All proceeds go to secure the parts, supplies, and services needed; any overages will be distributed to the MAW fund as part of our 2024 Q1 disbursement

BONUS: Stretch Goal Gift

As of June 10th we reached our Phase One funding, and our partner surprised us with these amazing R2-KT Stained Glass coins to offer for the project! So, if you have ordered a R2-KT Repair Kit feel free to upgrade your partnership level by $20 and we will add one of these limited edition coins.

Thank you for supporting KT and our charities through the years. Thank you for your photos and stories with her. She now has 20 sisters around the world and her legacy has touched so many lives. It is amazing to see what a little hope will do. Everyone on the KT team thanks you for joining the effort!