Michael Locoduck Duron is consistently high on life and markers. Having jumped at light speed from drawing comics on stapled pieces of notebook paper to being lucky enough to illustrate some of the greatest characters in any galaxy, he’s never looked back.
His earliest professional work began in 2005 with Topps Trading Cards drawing Lord of the Rings, Heroes, and Indiana Jones sketch cards and eventually making his way to Star Wars. In addition to the thousands of sketch cards he created for those universes, Michael has become very well known for his Marvel stylized trading cards from Upperdeck.
He’s more than a one trick ducky, and has also created comic book cover art for Betty and Veronica, Zombie Tramp, and is the creator of several comic book projects including his all ages adventure Sugar Boogarz. When not buried under that work, you can find him creating Caricature and event art all over Central Florida, but particularly at the Walt Disney World Resort. Michael is also an Honorary Member of the 501st Legion, and has created artwork for several garrisons and one of R2-KT’s very first patch designs. You may have also picked up one of his official t-shirt designs for Star Wars Celebration. He recently launched a new webcomic that helps him deal with the dark side of depression called Life N Death.
What drew you to Star Wars?
“Star Wars was the greatest fantasy and escape I could imagine. As a little boy I could picture myself taking on Darth Vader with a light saber one day, or being a scoundrel wooing the princess the next. The sheer amount of fantastical characters that George Lucas created has inspired me to create exciting images of my own.”
“I try not live in the borders of exactness when I’m putting line to paper. With this Universe you can interpret the heroes, droids, scum and villainy anyway you want and still manage to connect with the fans. Not to mention that Star Wars is always growing, and constantly giving us new things to discover and work with. Any artist that plays in this Galaxy HAS to imagine themselves as kid in a galactic candy shop!”
Many thanks to our partners at Jedi News, Fantha Tracks, Rebel Scum, Force.Net, and Bantha Bricks for supporting SWAM 2020 and sharing our posts. What a great way to share the magic of the art community! Check them out and see just how big the galaxy really is!

Mike’s my favorite artist and I write a blog about his art ( locoduck3.blogspot.com ). Awesome that you picked him as artist of the month!