Today’s feature artist for Star Wars Artist Month has been quietly putting out designs for the Star Wars community that have energized charity causes and raised the profile of fan organizations for years. He has created some of the finest graphic designs, campaign posters, concepts, and logos to make everyone look amazing. Meanwhile he creates vivid sketches of everything from Imperial armored troopers to fantasy figures to Chthulhu himself. All that look like lost pages from a Hollywood storyboard. When you look at Dave’s work you don’t just see a new style, you honestly feel like you’re peeking at an entirely undiscovered treasure trove of living, breathing story content with a lot of thought behind it. It makes you want to know more, makes you want to see where it’s all going. Art is at its best when it triggers the imagination and Dave’s work never just sits on the page. It compels you to take a journey…
Dave Liew has amassed 20+ years in the creative industry in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He’s honed his skills in interior design, post production, architecture 3d visualization, and character conceptualizing.
In the last eight years he’s been working closely in the performing arts scene. He unofficially joined the 501st as a minder 8 years ago, starting his other creative journey designing for 501st members around the globe. Now he’s officially a member as Snowtrooper ST77107. Dave currently illustrates graphic novels and renders 3D models of spaceships for boardgames for a community-based alternate reality sci-fi storytelling group called Unity Macroverse.
You can view more of Dave’s work portfolio at : https://www.facebook.com/daveliewillustration/
Unity Macroverse website: unitymacroverse.com

Many thanks to our partners at Jedi News, Fantha Tracks, Rebel Scum, Force.Net, and Bantha Bricks for supporting SWAM 2020 and sharing our posts. What a great way to share the magic of the art community! Check them out and see just how big the galaxy really is!