Another part of Star Wars art is iconography: the science of creating powerful and memorable logos, emblems, and symbols. The 501st Legion and other Star Wars clubs have done a great job creating a wide array of colorful logos to capture our attention. And today’s featured artist, Desmond Kaine Tay, has risen to the occasion to really bring extra magic to make everyone’s units and their emblems look better. The clean lines, the right colors, and design elements make fans know that these cats live in a galaxy far, far away!
Desmond has been drawing ever since he could hold a pencil. Inspired in equal parts by novels, manga, anime, comics and a Galaxy Far, Far Away!
As a young boy, his uncle would 1st spark the embers of his love for Sci-fi and Fantasy when he gave Desmond Conan The Barbarian and John Carter books, and various comics.
Desmond was first introduced to the amazing Galaxy created by George Lucas, when he watched Empire Strikes Back on TV. After that fateful weekend he would become a life-long fan, as he fondly recalls:
“I still remember after 1st watching Empire, I went kinda nuts in school, I kept gushing to my classmates about Darth Vader.It kinda annoyed one of my friends to the point she asked if I was some kinda Star Wars evangelist.”
Desmond would come to discover various Star Wars artbooks, Concept art, and Ralph Mcquarrie’s work. He would begin to draw his own comic strips, a lot of which would clearly show the influence Star Wars had on his early work. Desmond would later be inspired to become an artist, and would grow to become a self-taught Graphic Artist.
An experienced Graphic Artist who has worked from advertising, broadcast media, animation and even designed some toys. Desmond has produced content as far ranging as kids shows for television to posters for exhibitions and conventions.
Granted a Singapore Government Scholarship to study CGI where he learnt 3d Modeling and would meet someone who would become a good friend and would ultimately introduce him to the 501st Legion. He was happy to join a worldwide community with who he could talk about Star Wars all day!
Desmond would design his first patch for the 501st for the grand opening troop of The Sandcrawler Building in Singapore, of which, one would be presented to Geroge Lucas who was present to officiate the event. He also created an R2-KT patch for her visit to Singapore on May 4th for Star Wars Day, the proceeds of which went to charity.
Desmond has spent countless hours not just illustrating but producing physical works of art from the Star Wars Universe in the way of various costuming props and blasters. He’s made his creations come to life not only on the page but in spectacular 3D as blaster props proudly borne by troopers and costumers everywhere. He loves what he does and is continually creating art and props in his spare time.
Many thanks to our partners at Jedi News, Fantha Tracks, Rebel Scum, Force.Net, and Bantha Bricks for supporting SWAM 2020 and sharing our posts. What a great way to share the magic of the art community! Check them out and see just how big the galaxy really is!